Showing 6 result(s)
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The Garden Above

General Information Role: Lead developerDuration: 6 months part-timeTeam-Size: 8 peopleSoftware used: Experiences gained Further understanding of Unity, especially Unity3D More C# knowledge Optimization for WebGL Creating a mixing system with icon generation Working with shaders in Unity Post-Processing Multiple cameras in Unity Creating a time system that can easily be modified and used by other …

Litter-Happy Hoover Madness

General Information Role: Lead developerDuration: 2 months part-timeTeam-Size: 4 peopleSoftware used: Experiences gained Further understanding of Unity, especially Unity3D mixed with 2D art More C# knowledge Group work and collaboration Shader programming to combat Z-fighting Optimization Creating systems and teaching others how to utilize them Time prioritization Unity UI development Serious Game Design Working with …

Hotel L’Dualité

General Information Role: Lead developerDuration: 48 hoursTeam-Size: 5 peopleSoftware used: Experiences gained Further understanding of Unity, especially Unity3D More C# knowledge Creating a split-screen effect that is based on characters positions Understanding Unity’s new input system Creating an interaction system that unlocks items in a linked list 2 character movement system Working quickly and prototyping …

Screenshot of Game

An Ant’s Survival

A short action game where you as the queen ant lead the fleeing ants in a counter-attack against the invading spider. Project Background This was my second Game Jam that I have worked on, and was a fun but frustrating experience. The time limit this time was 1 week, with the theme “Stronger Together”. I …


Experiences Gained Further understanding of Unity, especially Unity3D More C# knowledge Working with lighting, especially baking lighting into a scene Better group collaboration Workflow prioritization General Information Role: Lead developerDuration: 48 hoursTeam-Size: 10 peopleSoftware used: A short platformer where you discover the lost memories of a student as a keychain gecko charm. Project Background This …

Example of Game

Ready Set Rumble

General Information Role: Lead developerDuration: 2 months part-timeTeam-Size: 4 peopleSoftware used: Experiences Gained Basics of Unity2D Basics of C# Collaborating with others on a game Multiple controller inputs Creating menu system that retains information in a text file between scenes. Asset-management and implementation. Working with 2D sprite-sheets and tilemaps Player controls Instantiating 2D physics Parallax …